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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Verilog Tutorial 3 - ModelSim - BCD Incrementor

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) is a class of binary encoding of decimal numbers where each decimal digit is represented by a fixed number of bits, usually four or eight[1]. BCD is also called "8421" encoding. This is the truth table of BCD encoding, where each decimal digits is represented by its corresponding 4-bit binary value:

For example, 16810 (101010002) is represented as "0001 0110 1000" in BCD format. In this tutorial, I will implementing a digital circuit for adds 1 to a number in BCD format. The BCD format is three-digit decimal number (12-bit). For example, after incrementing, "0010 0101 1001" (25910) becomes "0010 0110 0000" (26010).

This is the top level schematic for three-digit BCD incrementor. This circuit is actually consist of three 4-bit incrementor module. 4-bit incrementor has input signal of BCD number and output signal of incremented BCD number. There is also a carry output signal that give indication when an incremented BCD number rollover (from 910 (10012) to 010 (00002)). In the three-digit incrementor circuit, this carry signal is used for give a signal to the next 4-bit incrementor module to increment the digit.

This is the code for 4-bit incrementor using behavioral description:
// bcd_incrementer.v
module bcd_incrementer
        input wire [3:0] in,
        input wire en,
        output reg [3:0] out,
        output reg carry

    // Body
    always @*
        out = in;
        carry = 1'b0;
        case ({en, in[3:0]})
            5'b10000: out = 4'b0001;
            5'b10001: out = 4'b0010;
            5'b10010: out = 4'b0011;
            5'b10011: out = 4'b0100;
            5'b10100: out = 4'b0101;
            5'b10101: out = 4'b0110;
            5'b10110: out = 4'b0111;
            5'b10111: out = 4'b1000;
            5'b11000: out = 4'b1001;
                        out = 4'b0000; 
                        carry = 1'b1;

This is the code for top module of three-digit BCD incrementor:
// top.v
module top
        input wire [11:0] in,
        input wire en,
        output wire [11:0] out,
        output wire ovf 

    // Signal declaration
    wire c1, c2;

    // Body
    bcd_incrementer bcd_incrementer_digit_1_unit
        (.in(in[3:0]), .en(en), .out(out[3:0]), .carry(c1));
    bcd_incrementer bcd_incrementer_digit_2_unit
        (.in(in[7:4]), .en(c1), .out(out[7:4]), .carry(c2)); 

    bcd_incrementer bcd_incrementer_digit_3_unit
        (.in(in[11:8]), .en(c2), .out(out[11:8]), .carry(ovf));  
This is the code for verify the circuit operation:
// top_tb.v
`timescale 1 ns/ 10 ps

module top_tb;
    // Signal declaration 
    reg [11:0] in_test;
    reg en_test;
    wire [11:0] out_test;
    wire ovf_test;

    // Instantiate the circuit under test
    top uut (.in(in_test), .en(en_test), .out(out_test), .ovf(ovf_test));
    // Test vector generator
        en_test = 1'b0;

        in_test = 12'b000000000000; // 000
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000000000011; // 003
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000000100011; // 023
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000100100011; // 123
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000100101001; // 129
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000110010011; // 193
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b100100100011; // 923
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000010011001; // 099
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b100100001001; // 909
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b100110010000; // 990
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b100110011001; // 999
        # 200;

        en_test = 1'b1;

        in_test = 12'b000000000000; // 000
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000000000011; // 003
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000000100011; // 023
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000100100011; // 123
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000100101001; // 129
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000110010011; // 193
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b100100100011; // 923
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b000010011001; // 099
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b100100001001; // 909
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b100110010000; // 990
        # 200;
        in_test = 12'b100110011001; // 999
        # 200;

        // Stop simulation
This is the waveform result from three-digit BCD incrementor:

You can download the project file for this circuit from my repository. This tutorial is based on FPGA Prorotyping by Verilog Example book by Pong P. Chu. This book is recommended for learning FPGA through practical example.



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    Hey there, Embedded System Engineering! Just stumbled upon your Verilog tutorial on ModelSim and BCD, and I gotta say, it's been a game-changer for me. I've been dabbling in Verilog for a while now, but your breakdown really clarified some of the trickier aspects, especially when it comes to simulating with ModelSim.

    Your explanation of BCD addition using Verilog was spot-on. I've always found it a bit daunting to work with binary-coded decimal, but your step-by-step approach made it so much more manageable. Plus, the screenshots really helped visualize the process. Looking forward to diving deeper into your other tutorials. Keep up the awesome work!

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