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Thursday, February 19, 2015

STM32F4 Discovery Tutorial 2 - Simple LED Blinking

In this tutorial, I will explain how to make a simple blinking LED on STM32F4 Discovery. First, you have to make new project from menu Project  New Project. Give the project name and select folder for that project. 

Next, select model based on chip and then search for STM32F407VG.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

STM32F4 Discovery Tutorial 1 - Getting Started with STM32F4 Discovery and CooCox IDE

In this tutorial I will explain how to configure CooCox IDE and ARM GCC toolchain for programming STM32F4 Discovery.

First, you have to download and install driver for STM32F4 Discovery from here. After that, you have to download ARM GCC toolchain and install it. All default parameters are okay. Finally, you have to download CooCox IDE (You must register first).

For the first time using CooCox you have to configure ARM GCC toolchain from menu Project → Select Toolchain Path and browse to location of \bin folder of ARM GCC toolchain and press OK.

Now, it is ready to start coding.