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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Use Arduino as a USB to TTL Serial Converter

USB to TTL Serial is a module to convert the USB signals to TTL Serial signals. Serial protocol (RS232) is a standard for interfacing between computer and embedded device. Serial protocol is a standard that easy to use, but on new model motherboards or laptops, serial port is no longer supported. So USB to TTL Serial converter can be a solution for interfacing between computer and embedded device.

In this module, an IC such as FTDI is used to convert USB signals to TTL Serial signals. Other alternative to FTDI is use microcontroller that can be programmed as USB to TTL Serial converter such as ATmega16u2. This IC used to handle the USB communications on one side, and TTL serial communications on the other.

Friday, November 7, 2014

LCD 16x2 Clock with Blinking Colon Separator v2.0 (with Button for Setting Time and Thermometer LM35)

This is the update version of LCD 16x2 Clock. In this version, I added button for setting hour and minute. I also added digital thermometer with LM35 sensor.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

LCD 16x2 Clock with Blinking Colon Separator

This is a LCD clock project with AVR ATmega16 microcontoller. The time display on LCD has a colon separator between hour, minute, and second, which is blinking every 500ms.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Interfacing Arduino to PC Using Processing

Processing is an open source prgramming language and IDE. Processing can used for drawing image or animation. Processing can be download from here. The IDE is very similar to Arduino IDE.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Programming ATmega16/16A with Arduino IDE

In this tutorial, I will share how to program AVR ATmega16/16A using Arduino IDE. First, download the definition file from here. Next, Copy custom folder from extracted file to hardware folder in Arduino IDE.

Run the Arduino IDE, then from menu Tools select Board → ATmega16/16A (16MHz, External).